
You have found what I hope becomes a hidden gem. I have never blogged before, so this will be an experience in itself.

It means a lot to me that you have come to my web site. To give you some context, I broke away from other investment firms, because I wanted to run my business my way. Everything you see (at this point in time) is my own work. Pretty crazy to do a logo and a web site since I have never been very creative… and maybe that lack of creativity shows. Canva was a great help during the process.

So what is the Elev. 6080 blog? Where did the name come from?

To be honest, I was trying to be clever as I sat around one night. Almost everyone knows Denver as the Mile High City (Elev. 5280 ft), so Elev. 6080 actually represents the altitude at which I will write this blog… until someday when we outgrow our current house.

Our house in Parker, Colorado is actually 800 feet higher than Denver - according to Apple’s Compass App. From just down the street, we have a beautiful view of the Front Range at night. Very few things can top a purple, Rocky Mountain sunset.

My goal is to share ideas (sorry can’t share specific advice in this blog) from a higher level than you may be accustomed to hearing - don’t worry, I love talking about the basics as well.

Hopefully this helps you get to know me and Eight Peaks Wealth Management better.

I will be posting regularly on Facebook, X (Twitter), Instagram as well as videos on YouTube.

Be sure to Subscribe, Follow, Like, etc.

If you think I need to be somewhere else (I have never Tic-Tocked), please let me know in the comments section below.

I’m excited for this journey!



Summer has come and passed